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Purchasing Policy 215.01
Johnson County Community College
Series: 200 Administrative Services
Section: Purchasing and Contracts

Cross-Reference: Appropriate Expenditures of College Funds Operating Procedure 215.09

Applicability: This Policy applies to all Johnson County Community College (“赌钱app可以微信提现” or the “College”) students and employees, and all purchases and reimbursements made using College Funds.

Purpose: The purpose of this Policy is to govern the expenditure of College Funds.


“College Funds” are defined as funds administered or held by the College in an account controlled by the College.

“Expenditure” means payment or other disbursement for goods or services using College Funds.


The Expenditure of College Funds should be handled in a manner that assures the greatest ultimate value per dollar expended.

Where goods or services have been approved for purchase either individually or by inclusion in the budget the Board of Trustees (the “Board”) has adopted for the College, the President or designee is authorized to process such purchases in accordance with policies and procedures administered by Procurement Services.

The Board retains the right to deviate from its procurement policies, as the Board shall determine from time to time, for the acquisition of products, goods and services or a combination thereof.

Under Kansas law, all contracts relating to purchase of goods or services must be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Kansas, and the College may not agree to submit to the jurisdiction of any court other than a court of the state of Kansas.

The Board reserves the power to omit or modify any of the otherwise mandatory contract provisions determined or annunciated from time to time by the Department of Administration of the state of Kansas to the extent permitted by and in accordance with procedures required by Kansas law.

Date of Adoption: 07/06/1982
Revised: 07/01/1988, 07/10/1989, 07/02/1990, 06/22/1992, 03/03/1994, 06/20/2002, 09/15/2005, 08/16/2018, 07/20/2023